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business improvement districts中文是什么意思

用"business improvement districts"造句"business improvement districts"怎么读"business improvement districts" in a sentence


  • 商业区协进会


  • Assignment 3 - the business improvement district , friend or foe
    作业3 ?评论商业改善区域之好与坏?
  • Based on the assigned readings , each student will craft a definition that describes the elusive business improvement district concept
  • Briffault , richard . " a government for our time ? business improvement districts and urban governance . " columbia law review ( 1999 ) : 366 - 425
    政府是为我们时代所需?商业改善区域与都市管理,刊于《哥伦比亚法律评论》 , 1999年:第366 ~ 425页。
  • Mitchell , jerry . ( 2001 ) . business improvement districts and the new revitalization of downtown . economic development quarterly , 15 ( 2 ) , 115 - 123
    商业改善区域以及新市中心的新生, 《经济发展季刊》 ,第十五卷第二期,一一五页至一二三页。
  • First , consult with the instructor to determine which business improvement district organization you will study as well as the data sources available to you
  • This class explores the nature of business improvement districts , and does so with a number of case studies from around the globe , presented in the lecture notes section
  • With the power to impose taxes and provide collective services , proponents claim that business improvement districts ( bids ) effectively clean and secure outdoor public spaces
  • You have five to seven weeks ( depending on when you get started ) to write a short research paper that carefully examines the emergence and success of one business improvement district organization
用"business improvement districts"造句  
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